London by heart

I am sure you have heard of Stephen Wiltshire, commonly known as the ‘Human Camera’. Wiltshire is able to draw the most complicated landscapes after just seeing them once. What is particularly intriguing is that he is autistic and that this is one of the many examples where a perceived ‘defect’ has positive outcomes. Wiltshire is able to draw very detailed pictures which have allowed him to become a famous artist. I thought it was interesting to find out that his primary school encouraged him to draw in order to express his emotions.

Watch this short video to see his amazing talent.

Humans Make Language, Language Makes Us Human

Here is an interesting article and short video by Steve Pinker. He discusses the possible ways in which children learn a language. Is it by simply repeating what they have heard? If so why do they say things like ‘more outside’ when they want to play outdoors for longer? No adult would have said this. Or are they just mixing words together from a set of innate rules?